Laurencia cartilaginea Yamada


Laurencia cartilaginea Yamada


Thallus erect upto 9 cm tall, cartilaginous, reddish to purple and attached to the substrate by small discoidal holdfast; lower 1/2 to 3/4 older portion f the thallus is always covered with calcareous material; 3-5 branches arise radially from a common holdfast ot froma short stipe supporting alternately arranged secondary branches which are 1 to 25 mm long; largest ones are at the base gradually decreasing in length towards the upper portion appearing like pyramid; altenating tertiary branches are beset eith ultimate determinate branchlets which are wart-like and with truncate apices; distinct pit is found at the tips of the deteminate branchlets; In L.S. of an ultimate branch the cortical cells are not arranged in palisade and are without secondary pit connection.

Distribution : Okha, Bombay, Malvan, Ratnagiri, (Maharashtra) Goa, Karwar, Honawar, Bhatkal (Karnataka), Lakshadweep

Ecological status : Intertidal and subtidal zone.

IUCN status :

Uses : this species is economically important as a source of food and agaroid.